viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

Coverage of the Qantas ariplane accident at Singapore

In the Daily Telegraph Australia, there has been a huge coverage about a Qantas airplane, A380 which suffered an accident in their way to Singapore.  After five minutes de plane was over Indonesian island, and suddenly one of the engines started to fail. Some Indonesian locals heard the explosion and the smoke from the engine. The passengers were in panic and saw fire in one of the engines and a hole in the left wing. The pilot decided to shut off the non functional engine, and quickly return to the airport in Singapore. The Qantas airline has suspended all their flights around the world.

The Daily Telegraph has done a very balanced coverage of this news. Every article is based on clear, easy to read information, appropriate writing for web, it has some charts besides the written parts, which summarize and point out the most relevant facts.
On the other hand, this media did a visual development of the accident too. They published a flash animation, with clear pictures of the airplane so it´s easier to understand how the accident occurred. The flash has several numbers in which the audience moves on, receiving the sequential information on the steps of the accident. Also, throughout the articles there are links in which people can go to see pictures of what they are reading, and also there are videos to watch. So, the news about Qantas airplane, has a good display for web, making it easy to get well informed thanks to the balanced proportion between the writing and the visual aspect.

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